35 magnesium rich herbs and spices to add to your food for health and flavor

It is a safe bet that most Americans are deficient in magnesium. Our soil used to be rich with this important mineral, but due to poor farming practices and mono-crop agriculture, our soil is sorely depleted of many important nutrients, among them magnesium. Coupled with the fact that magnesium is used up quickly in our bodies during periods of high-stress, it is vitally important that we replenish magnesium levels everyday with supplements, herbs, foods and spices.

How to Take Care of Yourself After a Cupping Session

All of us at Constellation love cupping - and it’s one of the modalities people ask about the most! One of the questions that often comes up is from people who have received cupping in the past, wondering why they felt sore, achy, tired, or flu-like after a treatment. This is a great question. So, here’s a blog post all why that can happen - and how some simple self-care can help prevent it!⠀

Celebrate Autumn with Yoga, Acupressure and Meditation Practices You Can Do Anywhere

There’s no denying it now. It’s autumn. This time of year ushers in a burst of bright colors, cooler days and waning daylight. According to the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine, we are in the season of Metal. The organs associated this this element are the lungs and the large intestine. On a practical level, this is a time of letting go.

Cupping gives muscle pain relief!

Cupping is the practice of creating a vacuum in glass or plastic cups, creating suction effect on the skin and muscles. The cups can be left stationary or can be moved over the skin’s surface. Cupping feels a lot like a strong deep tissue massage, but isn’t painful. The suction can penetrate up to four inches deep. Most people find cupping relaxing and refreshing.